british harp legend. meets. austrian blues guys.

Aufgenommen live in der tschechischen Republik 2019. Seit 2013 treffen die Roosevelt Houserockers auf Paul Lamb - jährlich! Die Kombination bringt knisternden Blues auf die Bühne, wie er schon selten geworden ist. Da gibt es kein Liebäugeln mit irgendwelchem verrockten Blues. Its just the Blues.


Paul Lamb ist seit 40 jahren im Business und gilt als einer der besten Bluesharpspieler der jetzigen Zeit. Normalerweise ist er mit seinen Kingsnakes unterwegs, doch 2,3 Mal im Jahr kommt er über den Channel geflogen und killt gemeinsam mit den Roosevelt Houserockers die Stage!


Paul Lamb, Chad Strentz und die 4 der Houserockers bringen im September 2020 ihre erste gemeinsame Liveplatte auf den Markt. GET YOUR COPY: We ship worldwide!

was man auf der CD findet: 7 Songs, 44 Minuten besten Liveblues.

RECORDED LIVE IN ZASAVA (MAI 19) und LASNE TOUSEN (NOV 19), mixed and mastered by Andreas Luger & Jörg Brunnbauer, Executive Producer Timo Brunnbauer. THX to Aleks Prünner & Jindrich Oplt für die Fotos, RobertO Eder fürs grafische Meisterdesign, Jaroslav Forst für das Organisieren unsere tschechischen Trips, and many more! Und dem Walter und seinem LABEL PLAN 9 TRASH RECORDS!

 first teaser of the record. more to come.


Anyone who has been around the UK Blues scene in the last thirty years will surely have heard Paul Lamb’s harmonica whether it is with Kingsnake or guesting with a hundred other bands, he is the harmonica guvnor. Add to that a very strong blues scene in Austria and it is no surprise that he is hooked up here with the Roosvelt Houserockers, nor that the result is some classic Blues albeit with a twist. This album was recorded in the Czech Republic in 2019 with tracks culled from performances in Lazne Tousen & Zasava. What you get here is some standard 12 bar played to a very high standard by Timo Brunnbauer (guitar), Jorg Brunnbauer (drums), Chad Strentz (Guitar & Vocals), Domenic Gaito (bass) & Paul Lamb (harmonica & vocals). It will not get any awards for innovation, but it could for the sheer quality of the playing all through the seven tracks. Timo’s guitar solo on Adopted Child (Chad Strenz & Paul Lamb) is chilling and Lamb’s harp on the same track has a haunting howl to it. Mr Lambs Slow Blues Walk shows his qualities as a harp player with lots of pace variation as well as tone shifting. One of my favourite numbers here is a fine version of Chuck Berry’s Wee Wee Hours with brilliant guitar from Timo Brunnbauer as well as a tasty vocal performance by Jörg. It is good listening and the whole band works well together.




Dear friends from everywhere - get yourself a copy of PAUL LAMB's & the ROOSEVELT HOUSEROCKERS' new release. We ship worldwide! Just write to

pics by mr. oplt - thy jindrich!